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Amazon Cloud Storage

SmartIQ provides the ability to send documents generated by SmartIQ or attached to the SmartIQ form to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Bucket, which is a container for objects stored in Amazon S3. You can store any number of objects in a bucket.

Configuring Connection Settings

  1. From SmartIQ Manage, navigate to Settings > Amazon S3.

  1. Review and update the settings as required. The settings are described in the table below.
NameName of the Connection setting.

Note: If left blank, will use Default.
AWS Access KeyThe AWS access key ID, which uniquely identifies an AWS account and used to send authenticated requests to Amazon S3. This is a 20-character, alphanumeric string.

Important: The AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key must be used together as well as have write access to the specified bucket. To view your AWS access key ID and secret access keys, refer to this page.
AWS Access SecretThe AWS secret access key, to be used with the AWS access key ID. This is a 40-character string.
Default S3 Bucket (Optional)The unique name for your AWS Bucket.
Default S3 Region Code
The specific region for the AWS Bucket.
Debug ModeIf the debug mode is enabled, the detailed logs will be shown in Manage > Management.



If necessary, designers can overwrite the default configured settings in the Action inputs.

  1. (Optional) For multiple accounts:
    1. Click the New Set button. For example, Staging and Production.
    2. Click the Set as Default button to change the default connector set. If the previous Default was set in Design, SmartIQ will now use the new Default connector values.
  2. Click the Save button at the top of the page.

AWS S3 Bucket Action

Action Inputs

  • AWS Access Key – Specify a value to override the Connector Settings.
  • AWS Access Secret – Specify a value to override the Connector Settings.
  • Folder – Specify a folder name if you want the document to be uploaded to a sub folder within the bucket (for example, /SmartIQ/pdfs).
  • Metadata – Specify object metadata as sets of name/value inputs. Spaces in the name will be replaced with a hyphen.
  • Presigned URL time limit (hours) – Specify a time limit for a Presigned URL to generate an AWS Presigned URL that will only be valid for the time supplied. For example, valid for 6 hours, 24 hours, etc. For more information on Presigned URLs, refer to this page.
  • S3 Bucket Name – Specify a value to override the Connector Settings.
  • S3 Bucket Region Code – Specify a value to override the Connector Settings.


  • File Key – The end of the file URL that can be used to look up object metadata in the AWS APIs.
  • File URL – The URL of the first document uploaded to the bucket.
  • Presigned File URL – The Presigned URL that will only be generated if a Presigned URL time limit (hours) input was specified.