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OData Connector


OData Module

Contact your sales representative if you are interested in obtaining a license for the OData module for your SmartIQ instance.


Create a new Data Connector in SmartIQ to consume RESTful APIs using the OData version 4 protocol.

Setting Up

  1. Open the SmartIQ Manage application and log in as an Administrator with Change settings permission.
  2. Configure the default values in Settings > OData.

NameSpecify a name.
Service Root URLThe service root URL identifies the root of an OData service. The metadata can be found by appending $metadata to the service root URL.
Max Depth Complex TypeThe amount of recursion within nested Complex Types. This number can be overwritten for a specific data connection within.

The default value is 10.
Max Depth Navigation PropertyThe amount of recursion within nested Navigation Properties.

The default value is 3.
Header Name, Header ValueAdds an additional header to the request when querying the OData service.
DebugIf enabled, will log schema discovery, query entities, and filters that can be found in Manage >Event Log.
  1. (Optional) For multiple OData accounts:
    1. Click the New Set button to create additional accounts. For example, Sandbox and Production.
    2. Click the Set as Default button to change the default connector set. If the previous Default was set in Design, SmartIQ will now use the new Default connector values.
  2. Click Save.

Setting Up the OData Data Connection

  1. Go to Manage > Data Connections > New Data Connection and select OData Connection Type from the drop-down menu.

  2. In the New Data Connection screen, configure the following:

  1. Specify the name of the data connection and select OData as the Connection Type.
  2. Select the OData setting from the drop-down menu.
  3. In Connection Attributes, specify values that will overwrite a specific setting for a particular data connection. For example,

If left blank, the data connection will use the values configured in Manage > Settings.



OData supports username and password authentication as well as bearer tokens. To use a bearer access token, add a bearer=[AccessToken] as a parameter in the Connection Attributes and set the Credentials to "No credentials required".

  1. Configure the Credentials.
  2. Click Test Connection to verify connection with the endpoint.
  3. Click Save.

Setting Up the Data Objects

  1. Click New Data Objects and start typing the data object name and you will get an auto-complete of the available objects. Select the one you want.
  2. Specify a display name.
  3. Click Save.

  1. Configure which fields are available to be filtered and displayed within Design.



  • Fields that start with a forward slash / indicate that it's a navigation properties on the field. Navigation Properties can be nested down to the maxNavigationDepth. For example, /ProductDetails/Product/Supplier.Name
  • Fields separated with a period(.) indicate a complex type. For example, Address.State, Address.City, Addresss.Street
  • Fields that end with square brackets [] indicate a collection and can be set up as a hierarchical data structure.