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DocuSign Connector

Organizations spend billions of dollars on technology solutions to automate their processes, the final step in those processes, the creation of the document and final transaction, is surprisingly still stuck in the past.

When documents need to be signed, inefficient processes like printing, faxing, scanning, overnighting, and data rekeying take over and the inefficiency takes hold.
But this is changing with the integration of Infiniti forms and DocuSign.

Usage of Intelledox Infiniti and DocuSign provides the following benefits:

  • Immediate financial gains – By reducing the transaction time, organizations see needle-moving financial benefits in weeks rather than months or years.
  • Transforms the customer experience – Instead of waiting days, week, or even months for transactions to be completed, progress can be made near instantly. This velocity delights external and internal customers and elevates the organization that provides the superior service.
  • Readily demonstrates compliance – Every document has a readily accessible digital audit trail to making documenting compliance with industry laws and regulations fast and easy.

If you want to learn more about DocuSign, please visit:

Version History

Version 1.0 (released 21 April 2016)

  • Initial release

Version 2.0 (released 22 August 2016)

  • New filter Fields: envelopeId and status available for Get Envelopes Status Method for DocuSign Data Source.
  • Support of following recipient types: Agents, Carbon Copy, Certified Delivery, Editor, In Person Signer, Intermediary and Signer.
  • Brand Id supported.
  • Recipient Recursion supported (allows the same person to sign multiple times in a document).
  • Routing Order Supported (sequential and parallel orders for DocuSign workflow).
  • New Authentication methods supported: SMS, ID, Phone, Access Code, Social (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Salesforce).
  • Custom Fonts for Tabs, including Arial, ArialNarrow, Calibri, CourierNew, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, LucidaConsole, Tahoma, TimesNewRoman, Trebuchet, Verdana, OcrA, MSGothic and MSMincho.

Version 3.0 (released 31 March 2017)

  • New Syntax to support additional attributes for Signer TAB’s.
  • Supplemental Documents
  • Sign On Paper
  • DocuSign Hyperlinks
  • DocuSign Payments

Version 4.0 (released 5 September 2018)

  • Introduce DocuSign hierarchical action inputs – a better way to populate envelopes’ fields.
  • DocuSign Envelope’s Recipients driven from a repeating section.
  • Support most fields needed for Envelope creations.
  • Support control over when embedded signing should happen.



Note that you must have a valid license key of the DocuSign Connector for the “DocuSign” tab to show up and for the connector to function. If you don’t have a license key, contact your Intelledox representative.

Connector Components


  • Create DocuSign Envelope
  • Create DocuSign Embedded Signing URL

Data Source

  • Get envelope status.
  • Envelope documents.
  • Retrieve recipient information.

Custom Question

  • Get Documents from DocuSign


This is a list of DocuSign features supported and configurable from within the connector.
For more information on these please visit https://www.docusign.com/features-and-benefits/features

  • Customization of E-mail subject and body to recipients.
  • Embedded signing ceremony.
  • Support of following recipient types: Agents, Carbon Copy, Certified Delivery, Editor, In Person Signer, Intermediary and Signer.
  • Custom Branding.
  • Supplemental Documents.
  • Routing Order Supported (sequential and parallel orders for DocuSign workflow).
  • Draft Mode.
  • New Authentication methods supported: SMS, ID, Phone, Access Code, Social (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Salesforce).
  • Sign on paper
  • Recipient recursion (allows the same person to sign multiple times in a document).
  • DocuSign Payments.
  • DocuSign Hyperlinks.
  • Tabs
  • Sign Here
  • Initials
  • Date Signed
  • Company
  • Title
  • Decline
  • Approve
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Full Name
  • Attachments
  • Note
  • Radio Button
  • Checkbox
  • DropDown List
  • Text
  • Custom Fonts, including Arial, ArialNarrow, Calibri, CourierNew, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica, LucidaConsole, Tahoma, TimesNewRoman, Trebuchet, Verdana, OcrA, MSGothic and MSMincho.

Creating a DocuSign Sandbox

You’ll require a dev sandbox to perform tests and build solutions using Intelledox Infiniti and DocuSign.

  1. Create a new free Dev sandbox account here
  2. You'll receive a confirmation email, click "Verify Account".
  3. Change Password.

At this point, you have successfully created a Sandbox that you can use to develop and test your Intelledox Infiniti projects.

Where do I find my Integrator Key?

  1. Click on your profile and go to My Admin.
  2. On the navigation pane, click on API and Keys under Integrations.
  3. Under My Integrator Keys click Add Integrator Key

Create a new API Integrator Key



The API Integrator Key is required to set up the connector variables during installation of the DocuSign Connector, save it in a secure place.

Installation and Configuration

Installation Requirements

Before installing this connector, you must consider the following requirements:

  • You must have administrator/elevated permissions to the Infiniti web server, including the ability to copy and replace files in the Infiniti installation folder. This is usually c:\inetpub\wwwroot\infiniti however may vary from system to system.
  • You must have an appropriate DocuSign account including the credentials and integration key to use for authentication with DocuSign. For development and testing purposes, go to DocuSign Developer Center.
  • You must have a valid license key for this connector. If you don’t have a license key contact your Intelledox representative.
  • You must set up an Integrator Key associated with your DocuSign account.
  • You must have the following installation files:
  • DocuSignExtension.dll
  • BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll



  • Changes to the configuration may cause interruptions to users in forms.
  • Before installing this Connector in a production Infiniti environment, ensure the environment is backed up.
  • It is recommended that this installation is tested in a non-production environment first, and installed during scheduled downtime.

Use the instructions below to install the connector. If you are upgrading the extension from a previous version, refer to the section Upgrading the Connector.

Note that [Infiniti Produce Path] refers to the installation path on the web server running Infiniti, where the Produce site has been installed. By default this is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\infiniti\produce however may vary from environment to environment. Equally, [Infiniti Manage Path] refers to where the Manage site has been installed, and [IntelledoxScheduler Path] refers to where the Scheduler service has been installed.

Installing the Connector

How to install the DocuSign Connector

  1. Have this files ready DocuSignExtension.dll, BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
  2. Copy the files listed above into the following folder on the Infiniti web server:
    [Infiniti Produce Path]\bin
  3. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the following file:
    [Infiniti Produce Path]\appsettings.json



Ensure you have elevated privileges when opening the appsettings.json file, otherwise, you may not be able to save in the current folder.

  1. Locate the <Extensions> section and add the following entries:
"DocuSignExtension.CreateEnvelopeAction, DocuSignExtension",
"DocuSignExtension.CreateEmbeddedSigningURLAction, DocuSignExtension",
"DocuSignExtension.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignExtension",
"DocuSignExtension.GetDocumentQuestion, DocuSignExtension"

Produce appsettings.json file should look simiar to:

  "Extensions": [
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.OleDbDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.SqlServerDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.CsvDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.OdbcDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.RSSDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.WebserviceDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.XmlDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.InfinitiDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.JsonDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.RestDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.FileAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.SQLServerAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.DownloadPageMessageAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.RedirectAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.EmailAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.PrintAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.UserAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.WebhookAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.RESTAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.OracleAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.PushNotificationAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.SQLProjectResultsAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin.LogMessageAction, Intelledox.Extension.ActionBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.EscalationBuiltin.EmailEscalation, Intelledox.Extension.EscalationBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.EscalationBuiltin.ReassignmentEscalation, Intelledox.Extension.EscalationBuiltin",
    "Intelledox.Extension.EscalationBuiltin.PushNotificationEscalation, Intelledox.Extension.EscalationBuiltin",
    "DocuSignExtension.CreateEnvelopeAction, DocuSignExtension",
    "DocuSignExtension.CreateEmbeddedSigningURLAction, DocuSignExtension",
    "DocuSignExtension.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignExtension",
    "DocuSignExtension.GetDocumentQuestion, DocuSignExtension"
  "AppSettings": {},
  "Authentication": {
    "Settings": {
      "CookiePrefix": "infiniti",
      "Timeout": "30"
  1. Copy the files listed step 1 into the following folder on the Infiniti web server:
    [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin

  2. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the following file:
    [Infiniti Manage Path]\appsettings.json

  3. Locate the <Extensions> section and add the following entry:

"DocuSignExtension.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignExtension"

Manage appsettings.json file should look like:

    "Extensions": [
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.OleDbDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.SqlServerDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.CsvDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.OdbcDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.RSSDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.WebserviceDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.XmlDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.InfinitiDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.JsonDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
      "Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin.RestDatasource, Intelledox.Extension.DatasourceBuiltin",
     "DocuSignExtension.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignExtension"
    "AppSettings": {},
    "Authentication": {
      "Settings": {
        "CookiePrefix": "infiniti",
        "Timeout": "30"
    "Styles": {
      "Well": {
        "appliesto": "question,layout",
        "class": "well"
      "Jumbotron": {
        "appliesto": "question,layout",
        "class": "jumbotron"
      "Alert (success)": {
        "appliesto": "question,layout",
        "class": "alert alert-success"
      "Alert (info)": {
        "appliesto": "question,layout",
        "class": "alert alert-info"
      "Alert (warning)": {
        "appliesto": "question,layout",
        "class": "alert alert-warning"
      "Alert (error)": {
        "appliesto": "question,layout",
        "class": "alert alert-danger"
      "Label (default)": {
        "appliesto": "question",
        "class": "labelIx label-default"
      "Label (primary)": {
        "appliesto": "question",
        "class": "labelIx label-primary"
      "Label (success)": {
        "appliesto": "question",
        "class": "labelIx label-success"
      "Label (info)": {
        "appliesto": "question",
        "class": "labelIx label-info"
      "Label (warning)": {
        "appliesto": "question",
        "class": "labelIx label-warning"
      "Label (error)": {
        "appliesto": "question",
        "class": "labelIx label-danger"

Using a web browser, navigate to the Infiniti Produce application and Infiniti Manage to allow the system to register DocuSign Connector. Make sure a DocuSign license key has been applied.

The DocuSign Connector should now be installed, ready for configuration and usage.


Additional Configuration

For integration key, brand id, supplemental documents, on paper signature and other DocuSign configuration, please refer to DocuSign official documentation as this needs to be configured in DocuSign admin portal.

How to execute the database Script

For tracking purposes, all Create DocuSign Envelope transactions are stored in the Infiniti Database when Log Mode is turned on.



This option is only recommended for customers that require local audit logs, DocuSign also stores successful requests in its user portal.

  1. Using SQL Management Studio connect to the Infiniti database server.
  2. Locate and right click the Infiniti Database and select New Query.
  1. Cut and paste the contents of the DocuSignScript.sql file into the query window and click execute (this file should be found in upgrade pack’s “Scripts” folder).

Upgrading the Connector

If your Infiniti environment is already running an earlier version of the DocuSign connector and you are simply upgrading to a new version for Infiniti version 10, please follow these simple upgrade steps below.


How do I know if I need to run these steps?

A sign that you are using an earlier version of the DocuSign Connector is having a dll called “DocuSignConnector.dll” in both [Infiniti Produce Path]\bin and [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin folder. If this is the case, follow “How to upgrade a Legacy DocuSign Connector” below.

If you are having a dll called “DocuSignExtension.dll” in both [Infiniti Produce Path]\bin and [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin folder, then you are using the newer version of the DocuSign Connector. If this is the case, follow “How to upgrade a v10 DocuSign Connector” below.


Can I install both versions at the same time?

Yes, the version 3 Connector and the version 4 Extension can co-exist in the same instance. This is to allow existing version 3 users to migrate to the new hierarchical attribute format gradually.

How to upgrade a Legacy DocuSign Connector

  1. Make sure you remove all files of the current DocuSign Connector from your Infiniti web server. Navigate to your [Infiniti Produce Path]\bin folder, then remove these following files:
  • DocuSign.eSign.dll
  • DocuSignConnector.dll
  • RestSharp.dll



Only remove the legacy version of the DocuSign Connector when you have finished migrating all your projects to using the newer version of the connector.
If you are still in the progress of migrating your projects, we would recommend keeping both versions of the connector in your environment.

  1. Navigate to your [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin folder, then remove the same files listed in Step 1.
  2. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open [Infiniti Produce Path]\appsettings.json. Locate the “Extensions” section of the appsettings.json file and remove the following entries:
"Intelledox.Action.LegacyAction`1[[DocuSignConnector.DocuSignAction, DocuSignConnector]], Intelledox.Action",
"Intelledox.CustomQuestion.LegacyCustomQuestion`1[[DocuSignConnector.GetDocumentQuestion, DocuSignConnector]], Intelledox.CustomQuestion",
"Intelledox.Datasource.LegacyDatasource`1[[DocuSignConnector.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignConnector]], Intelledox.Datasource"
  1. Locate the “LegacyActions” property if present, and remove the following:
"LegacyActions": {
  "DocuSignConnector.DocuSignAction, DocuSignConnector": {
    "Name": "Send to DocuSign"
  1. Locate the “LegacyDatasources” property if present, and remove the following:
"LegacyDatasources": {
  "DocuSignConnector.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignConnector": {
    "Name": "DocuSign"
  1. Locate the “LegacyCustomQuestions” property if present, and remove the following:
"LegacyCustomQuestions": {
  "DocuSignConnector.GetDocumentQuestion, DocuSignConnector": {
    "Name": "Get Document"
  1. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open [Infiniti Manage Path]\appsettings.json. Locate the “Extensions” section of the appsettings.json file and remove the following entries:
"Intelledox.Datasource.LegacyDatasource`1[[DocuSignConnector.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignConnector]], Intelledox.Datasource"
  1. Locate the “LegacyDatasources” property if present, and remove the following:
"LegacyDatasources": {
  "DocuSignConnector.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignConnector": {
    "Name": "DocuSign"
  1. Run below database script to completely remove the DocuSign legacy connector from your database:
DELETE FROM [dbo].[ConnectorSettings_Type]
WHERE [ConnectorSettingsTypeId] = '6F56ECB0-FF8E-41B7-BF5A-3C0FC21BFC21'

DELETE FROM [dbo].[ConnectorSettings_ElementType]
WHERE [ConnectorSettingsTypeId] = '6F56ECB0-FF8E-41B7-BF5A-3C0FC21BFC21'

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Routing_Type]
WHERE [RoutingTypeId] = 'AADA7C29-C6BA-4B45-B5F7-59CF60B66A89'

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Routing_ElementType]
WHERE [RoutingTypeId] = 'AADA7C29-C6BA-4B45-B5F7-59CF60B66A89'

DELETE FROM [dbo].[CustomQuestion_Type]
WHERE [CustomQuestionTypeId] = '5F6BF73A-DC92-4379-8480-E9FDA5A36B81'

DELETE FROM [dbo].[CustomQuestion_InputType]
WHERE [CustomQuestionTypeId] = '5F6BF73A-DC92-4379-8480-E9FDA5A36B81'
  1. Copy the files listed in Installation and Configurations requirements section (these files should be found in upgrade pack’s “Bin” folder) into your [Infiniti Produce Path]\bin and [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin folder:
  • DocuSignExtension.dll
  • BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
  1. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the following file:
    [Infiniti Produce Path]\appsettings.json
  2. Locate the section of the appsettings.json file and add the following entries:
"DocuSignExtension.CreateEnvelopeAction, DocuSignExtension",
"DocuSignExtension.CreateEmbeddedSigningURLAction, DocuSignExtension",
"DocuSignExtension.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignExtension",
"DocuSignExtension.GetDocumentQuestion, DocuSignExtension"
  1. Copy the files listed above into the following folder on the Infiniti web server:
    [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin
  2. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the following file:
    [Infiniti Manage Path]\appsettings.json
  3. Locate the section of the appsettings.json file and add the following entries:
"DocuSignExtension.DocuSignDataSource, DocuSignExtension"
  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the Infiniti Produce and Infiniti Manage applications to allow the system to register the Connector.

How to upgrade a v10 DocuSign Connector

  1. Make sure you clear all action inputs of the DocuSign Connector registered in the database, as the newer version of the connector will re-register them upon successful upgrade. Copy and paste the contents of the DocuSignScript.sql file into the query window and click Execute.
DELETE FROM [dbo].[Routing_ElementType]
  WHERE [RoutingTypeId] = 'CCF35103-A237-46D1-807F-CB7DE26C450E'
  1. Copy the files listed above in Installation and Configurations requirements section into the following folders on the Infiniti web server, overwriting the existing files:
    [Infiniti Produce Path]\bin and [Infiniti Manage Path]\bin
  2. Using a web browser, navigate to the Infiniti Produce application to allow the system to register the upgraded connector.
  3. In the web browser, also navigate to the Infiniti Manage application.

Installation to the Intelledox Scheduler

If the target environment is using Intelledox Infiniti Scheduler, it is best practice to always install connectors and accelerators to this service at the same time as the installation in Infiniti Produce application. If this is not installed to the Scheduler there may be errors if any projects are executed from the scheduler that refers to this connector.

To install any connector to the Scheduler, follow the instructions in this guide as they apply to Infiniti Produce, except instead of [Infiniti Produce Path] use [IntelledoxScheduler Path], noting that there is no ‘bin’ folder in this path so all files should be copied into the root of this path. For example, consider the path:


To install to the Scheduler, simply use this path:


Also, you must apply the same configuration changes as instructed for the Produce appsettings.json file.

How to setup a DocuSign Sandbox account

If your organisation does not have an account with DocuSign, you’ll require a dev sandbox to perform tests and build solutions using Infiniti and DocuSign.

DocuSign Sandbox creation

  1. In a web browser, navigate to https://www.docusign.com.au/developer-center
  2. Click on – Create Free Dev Sandbox
  3. Follow the DocuSign bouncing ball to create the Account which will provide you with all the details to configure the Infiniti site to connect to DocuSign.

Setting up Integrator Key in DocuSign

To add an Integrator Key

An integrator key (also known as an API key) is a unique GUID used to identify your API integration. An integrator key is required to authenticate your API calls with DocuSign.

  1. Login to your DocuSign admin account.
  2. Navigate to the DocuSign Admin Console by clicking on Go to Admin from the profile menu in the top right.
  3. On the lower left side of the Admin Console, under Integrations, click on API and Keys.
  4. Under My Integrator Keys, click Add Integrator Key, then give it a name.
  5. Click ADD. Your integrator key is generated and added to the list of keys.
  6. Save the generated Integrator Key to a secure place for later use.

To define a Redirect URI for your Integrator Key

In most DocuSign Authentication workflows, Infiniti will make API calls on behalf of a user, acting as them to create envelopes, add documents, and send these files out for signing. Each of these workflows requires that the user grant explicit consent for Infiniti to act on their behalf. A Redirect URI is used for Infiniti to request impersonation consent from an individual user by redirecting the user's browser to the authorization service URI and initiate the authorization process.

After being redirected to the service URI, the user will need to log in to their DocuSign account and be presented with a request to grant signature and impersonation permissions to Infiniti, as shown below:


Once a user has granted consent to an application by clicking the Accept button, they will then be redirected back to the defined Redirect URI. Users will no longer be prompted to do so again unless consent is revoked.

  1. Find the generated Integrator Key and click on the Integrator Key or in the Actions drop down select Edit.
  2. In the Redirect URIs section, click Add.
  3. Enter the new Redirect URI, this should be the Infiniti Produce URL.



This should be set to Infiniti Produce URL with a slash at the end. The Infiniti Produce URL configured in this case should not have the "Home" at the end as well.

A valid Infiniti Produce URL for Redirect URI should look like this: https://ServerName/Infiniti/Produce/

  1. Click ADD URI to add Redirect URI for the Integrator Key.

To add a pair of RSA keys to your Integrator Key

  1. Find the generated Integrator Key and click on the Integrator Key or in the Actions drop down select Edit.
  2. In the RSA Keypairs (ID) section, click Add RSA Keypair.
  3. Save the Private keys to a text file, including the ----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- and ----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- lines as part of the text.

Configuring the connector settings

The DocuSign Connector exposes a number of connector settings which provide system-wide values to control behaviour or context.

View/Modify Connector Settings:

  • In a web browser, navigate to the Infiniti Manage application and log in. E.g. http:\\serverName\Manage
  • Navigate to Settings and then click on the “DocuSign” tab.
  • Review and update the settings as required each of the required settings are described in the table below.
  • Click the Save button at the top of the page once you have entered your organization's attributes.
Production EnvironmentThis should be ticked if you are using a live production account.
This will determine the URL to make request to when retrieving account information needed to interact with the core DocuSign API service.

- https://account-d.docusign.com for the developer sandbox (Testing Environment)
- https://account.docusign.com for the live production system (Production Environment)
Admin API UsernameSpecify the Organization Admin’s API Username. This can be found by navigating to the DocuSign Admin Console > Users.

A valid Admin API Username to interact with the core DocuSign API service should be in Guid form, not as an email.
Integrator KeyDocuSign API Integrator Key (Unique ID for each DocuSign integration). This key is retrieved from the DocuSign administration portal.
RSA Private KeyUpload the text file that contains the RSA Private Key obtained from Installation and Configurations step.
Embedded Signing Return UrlSpecify the URL that the embedded signer’s browser will be re-directed to after the signer has finished.
Log ModeTrue | False

This option that allows storing in the Infiniti DB all generated requests to DocuSign. To enable this capability it is required to run the included SQL Script <DocuSignScript.sql> (see install package) against your active Infiniti DB.
This option is only recommended for customers that require local audit logs, DocuSign also stores successful requests in its user portal.

Ensuring the user profile is loaded


IIS and Azure App Service

This connector implements RSA for authentication, due to the Data Protection Scope of the cryptography, user profile needs to be loaded.


  1. Open IIS
  2. Go to Application Pools
  3. Select Infiniti App Pool
  4. Click "Advanced Settings"
  5. Under Process Model, verify that Load User Profile is set to True
  6. Restart Infiniti App Pool.

Azure App Service

  1. Go to your App Service
  2. Ensure you have a correct tier (at least B1, this will not work for shared infrastructure: F1 or D1).
  3. Go to Application Settings and create a new app settings entry: WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE=1
  4. Restart App

Obtaining a DocuSign Admin Consent

Once the DocuSign Connector is installed successfully and the Connector Settings have been configured, Infiniti will need to obtain consent from a DocuSign Admin user to make API calls on their behalf. Infiniti will need to redirect the user to the Consent page, the user will need to log in to their DocuSign account and be presented with a request to grant signature and impersonation permissions to Infiniti.

To obtain a DocuSign Admin consent

  1. Create a new Infiniti Project.
  2. Drag and Drop the "Create DocuSign Envelope" into the project.
  3. Add values to the mandatory inputs of the action, these are:
  • Recipient Name
  • Recipient Email
  • Email Subject
  • Email Blurb

Note: These values could be anything for now since they would not be executed, at this stage we only run the action to obtain consent not to create an envelope.
4. Publish and then Run the project.
5. The user will be presented with a request to grant signature and impersonation permissions to Infiniti
6. Click “Accept” and the user should be redirected back to the Infiniti Produce page.
Once a user has granted consent to an application, they will no longer be prompted to do so again unless consent is revoked.
If there’s a need to change the Admin API Username to another admin, this process would need to be done again to obtain consent for the new admin.

Using the DocuSign Connector

Action - Create DocuSign Envelope


While the action extensions are installed, they will not be called until a project is set up in Infiniti with one or more of the DocuSign actions, with action attributes that instruct the action providers on how to behave.
Action attributes can be set up with fixed values within Design, or they can be set up to refer to values collected via the question set during the generation process.
The Create DocuSign Envelope action supports most of the fields to create and send an envelope using the DocuSign REST API.

Note that since the structure of the action attributes are closely aligned with a DocuSign Create Envelope’s Json request or as when you use the DocuSign REST API Explorer, most of the action attributes’ definition can be found here. However for integration of Infiniti forms and DocuSign, there are few exceptions on how these fields should be provided, these are:

Recipient Type
The Recipient input is used to add recipients to your Envelope.
Specify the type of Recipient from the drop-down list of available types of recipient.
By default, Recipient Type is set to Signer.
User idThe user ID of the user being accessed. A User Id can be provided in 2 ways:
- User unique GUID.
- Email.
When User Id is provided as an email, an extra request to the DocuSign REST API will be made by the connector to look up and translate that email in to a user GUID.
Tab Type
The Tab input is used to add Tab to your Envelope Documents
Specify the type of Tab from the drop-down list of available types of tab.
Document NameWhen adding a Tab to Envelope Documents, DocuSign will need to know which document the tab should be placed on.
Provide the name of Infiniti generated document that the tab should be applied to. This Document Name can be added multiple times so the tab can be placed on multiple documents.
RadiosWhen adding a radio button Tab on a document, the tab properties of this type should be added as child action attributes of Radios.
Document Settings
Document Name
Document Settings allows you to control the behaviours of Envelope Documents such as:
- Display
- Include In Download
- Order

The name of Infiniti generated document the document setting should be applied to needs to be specified. This Document Name can be added multiple times so the settings can be applied on multiple documents.
Document Visibility
Document Name
Document Visibility allows you to control a Recipient access to Envelope Documents.

The name of Infiniti generated document the Document Visibility should be applied to needs to be specified. This Document Name can be added multiple times so the Document Visibility can be applied on multiple documents.
Signing Group Users
User Id
Signing Group Users allows you to specify information about users in the signing group.
The user ID of the user being accessed will need to be provided. A User Id can be provided in 2 ways:
- User unique GUID.
- Email.
When User Id is provided as an email, an extra request to the DocuSign REST API will be made by the connector to look up and translate that email in to a user GUID.
Account Settings
Account Id
Optional value, used where the default account id for the global Admin API Username is not the one needed for the project and an alternative account id is entered here.
Account Settings
Admin API Username
Optional value, used where the default Admin API Username in the Global Connector Settings is not the one needed for the project, an alternative Admin API Username is entered here. If an Account Id is also supplied, it needs to be a valid account id for this User. This value will override the global Admin API Username only for this project.

Action - Create DocuSign Embedded Signing URL

Once you’ve added the Create DocuSign Embedded Signing URL action to your project, either on the Finish page or on a workflow transition, use the following table to configure any action attributes that you require.

Envelope IdId of an existing Envelope. This could be retrieved from the Create DocuSign Envelope action output.
Client User IdTo perform embedded signing ceremony, the Create DocuSign Embedded Signing URL action requires that you specify which person will be signing by provide the Client User Id that uniquely identify that person

Note: The Client User Id provided in this action must be the exact same as what you used in the Create DocuSign Envelope action.
Return UrlThe URL that the signer’s browser will be re-directed to after the signer has finished. This value could also be set globally across all projects in the DocuSign Connector Settings.

Once all the action attributes are configured, the Create DocuSign Embedded Signing URL action will create an embedded signing URL and immediately redirect the user to that URL to perform a signing ceremony.

Set-up DocuSign Datasource and its parameters

To be able to fully utilize all the DocuSign features there are a couple of other configurations that are required to make this all work.

View/Modify Datasource settings in Infiniti

  • In a web browser, navigate to the Infiniti Manage application and log in. E.g. http:\\serverName\manage
  • Click on Data Sources label on the left panel
  • Click the New Data Source button (top left)
  • Select the Connection type as DocuSignDataSource and then fill in the following settings panels.
Data Source NameAny relevant name.
Connection TypeDocuSignDataSource
Connection StringAny relevant name, E.g. DocuSign
CredentialsNo Credential Required

Add New Data Source in Infiniti Manage

  1. Click Save to commit the Changes.
  2. Click Test Connection, you should get a message “Connection Successful”. If you have an error, check your credential and integrator key provided in the Connector Settings.
  3. Click on the Data Objects Button (top) and add the following objects
Display NameObject TypeFilter Fields
Get Envelope DocumentsMethodenvelopeId
Get Envelopes StatusMethodenvelopId
Get Recipient InformationMethodenvelopeId

Data Objects in Infiniti Manage


Remember to check the “Required” check box for all the Key Fields. In order to guarantee that Infiniti will only call DocuSign API if data is provided.

You are now configured and ready to start creating Infiniti projects that connects to DocuSign for signing.

Custom Question - DocuSign

The DocuSign Custom Question allows you to have a button in Infiniti form that once clicked a PDF that contains the combined content of all documents will be downloaded
Once you’ve added the DocuSign custom question to your project use the following table to configure any custom question attributes that you require.

Document UrlURL to the PDF that contains the combined content of all documents in an envelope. This URL can be retrieved from using the DocuSign Data Source Get Envelope Status method – documentsCombinedUri column.

Once all the custom question attributes are configured, the DocuSign custom question allows you to have a “Get” button in your Infiniti form. When this button is clicked a PDF containing the combined content of all documents in an envelope will be downloaded.


Consider turning on Troubleshooting Mode to troubleshoot problems you experience when running the DocuSign Actions. Instruction on how to configure Troubleshooting Mode can be found here.
Once Troubleshooting Mode has been turned on, Infiniti will display logging messages of the Action in Management Console.


Supported fields to create an Envelope

Allow Mark up
Allow Reassign
Allow recipient recursion
Authoritative Copy
Brand ID
Brand Lock
Custom Field
List Custom Field
Configuration Type
List Items
Text Custom Fields
Configuration Type
Document Settings
Document Name
Encrypted with Key Manager
Include in Download
Remote Url
Signer Must Acknowledge
Transform PDF Fields
Email Blurb
Email Settings
Bcc Email Addresses
Bcc Email AddressId
Reply Email Address Override
Reply Email Name Override
Email Subject
Enable Wet Sign
Enforce Signer Visibility
Is 21 CFR Part 11
Message Lock
Expire After
Expire Enabled
Expire Warn
Reminder Delay
Reminder Enabled
Reminder Frequency
Use Account Defaults
Purge State
Access Code
Add Access Code to Email
Auto Navigation
Bulk Recipients Uri
Can Sign Offline
Client User Id
Creation Reason
Custom Fields
Default Recipient
Document Visibility
Document Name
Email Notification
Email Body
Supported Language
Email Recipient Post Signing URL
Embedded Recipient Start URL
Excluded Documents
Host Email
Host Name
Id Check Configuration Name
Id Check Information Input
Address Information   
Display Level Code
Receive in Response
Date of Birth Information
Date Of Birth
Display Level Code
Receive in Response
SSN4 Information
Display Level Code
Receive in Response
SSN9 Information
Display Level Code
In Person Signing Type
Inherit Email Notification Configuration
Is Bulk Recipient
Phone Authentication
Recipient May Provide Number
Sender Provided Numbers
Recipient Signature Provider
Recipient Signature Provider Options
One Time Password
Signer Role
Signature Provider Name
Recipient Supplies Tabs
Recipient Type
Require Id Lookup
Require Sign On Paper
Require Signer Certificate
Role Name
SMS Sender Provided Numbers
Routing Order
Sign in each Location
Signature Info
Font Style
Signature Initials
Signature Name
Signer Name
Signing Group Id
Signing Group Name
Signing Group Users
Activation Access Code
Login Status
Send Activation Email
User Id
User Status
User Type
User Name
Anchor Ignore if not Present
Anchor String
Anchor Units
Anchor X Offset
Anchor Y Offset
Button Text
Conceal Value on Document
Conditional Parent Label
Conditional Parent Value
Custom Tab Id
Decline Reason
Disable Auto Size
Document Name
Font Size (100 pt)
Group Name
Is Payment Amount
Character Limit
Merge Field
Allow Sender to Edit
Configuration Type
Write Back
Original Value
Page Number
Payment Details
Charge Id
Currency Code
Formula Payment Details Status
Gateway Account Id
Gateway Name
Line Items
Amount Reference
Item Code
Amount In Base Unit
Display Amount
Radio Anchor Ignore if not Present
Radio Anchor String
Radio Anchor Units
Radio Anchor X Offset
Radio Anchor Y Offset
Radio Locked
Radio Page Number
Radio Required
Radio Selected
Radio Tab Order
Radio Value
Radio X Position
Radio Y Position
Require All
Require Initial on Shared Change
Scale Value
Sender Required
Stamp Type
Stamp Type Metadata
Tab Label
Tab Name
Tab Order
Tab Required
Tab Type
Tab Value
Use Dash4
Validation Message
Validation Pattern
X Position
Y Position
Template Locked
Template Required
User Id
Recipients Lock
Signing Location
Use Disclosure

Unsupported fields to create an Envelope
