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What's New in v10

Analytics Module

A new module can be unlocked in Infiniti which allows for some powerful analytical functions.

The form interaction log can be used to track every interaction people have with forms. This can allow for analysis of the efficiency and comprehensibility of solutions.

The device (or location) log captures information about the people interacting with the system, such as where they are in the world and what kind of device/browser they are using

By dragging on one item in Design, a project will now generate a document that contains all the answers on the form in an easy to consume JSON format.

A new action that will create database tables based on the structure of your project, and then write the data from a submission to these new tables. The only configuration needed is a connection string to the database.

A number of new, built-in data sources have been added to aid in retrieving this analytical information from Infiniti. The data includes the raw data containing the tables, as well as useful views of the data such as the time users spend interacting with certain elements of a form, the points at which people “dropped off” from using a form and how many times people saved their form.

Solution designers can add Interactive graphs within Intelledox Infiniti forms and Dashboards.


Data Grid for Data Sources

Designers can now select a Data Grid display type for a data source. This display type is similar to a search question type with additional options such as pagination, search, sorting and formula display fields where is possible to define a number of rows per page.


Customization of columns allows defining events, if sortable and display fields (formulas or columns). The data grid is also 'responsive' in that it will push columns into an expandable row if they do not fit on the screen. This display type is excellent to tabulate information and creation of dashboards as it also includes the option of auto refresh, allowing to have real-time data.

New built-in Infiniti Data Sources

A number of new, built-in data sources have been added to aid in retrieving information from Infiniti. The data includes tasks in progress, answer files, generated documents, and more. The new data sources also combine with the Data Grid to allow features such as launching forms and reassigning tasks as part of the interface.


A Dashboard project is a one-page form that isn’t submitted, but rather is used to show a page of data, or as a jumping off point to other forms.
Dashboards can be used to collate information about a business process; status of forms, the stages of the forms in a workflow, etc.

Dashboards combined with new Infiniti Data Sources and Data Grid allows solution designers to customize Produce as it could be published as a “home page”.


User Experience

A new attribute 'Style' has been added for every applicable question type in design, allowing to use one of the default styles or define your own custom styles.


Default Styles

The Button is a new question type that puts a button on your form. It can be used to open a new URL, a new project, or to jump to a specific page in the form.


Design Updates

A large number of tweaks have been made to Design to aid in more efficient project building. This includes an integration with Microsoft Office that allows live changes to document templates without manually downloading/uploading, an ability to publish a project without going to Manage and much more easily set up question references in workflows.


New Default Theme

New default theme for Intelledox Produce, Manage and Design is included.

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Intelledox Infiniti Design

Response Metadata

Response Metadata defines fields that may be shared across projects and exposed via the Infiniti Data sources allowing to store data provided by users or pulled by a data source.

They behave like document placeholders and can be mapped directly onto the question set where appropriate.

This functionality is excellent for analytics as each variable is included in relevant Infiniti data sources and could be easily included in Dashboards.


Temporary Users

Non-authenticated users can now save, resume and reassign forms at any stage of a workflow. A secure Access token will be generated and used by Intelledox Infiniti as the authentication method preventing other users access provided data.

Nested folder structure

Nested folder structure can now be created to store Projects and Content items. Folders can be arranged in a tree-like structure and edit access within a folder is restricted at a group level and is independent of folders above or beneath it in the structure.

Projects and Content Library pages share the same folder structure. Comments can be added when making changes to Content Library items.



An entire new REST API is included in this new version, allowing to perform most of the functions available in Produce and Manage. For more information click here

Connector Interface

For developers, the interface for implementing connectors has been completely re-worked to make it easier for development experience. Old providers are supported and will continue to work. For more information. For more information see Adding Extensions

Troubleshooting Mode

Troubleshooting mode is a new publishing option that aids in identifying issues in projects. When a project is run in troubleshooting mode, extra information is displayed to visualize what logic is going on behind the scenes; this includes displaying invisible question types (such as data sources and variables), reporting data errors and info regarding the actions that ran at generation time.

Email Approvals

Email Approvals (also known by their more generic name, Workflow Choices), allow a designer to define a workflow choice, usually an approval, that a user can make from an email (or other Action). This results in a button or link that the user can press to instantly action that choice without any need for logging into Produce and loading up an Infiniti form.

ASPX File Extensions

The.aspx file extension has been dropped in several instances. This is important if you direct link to your projects, or utilize GUIDs to access projects.

As an example, produce/launch.aspx?id=&abc=123 now becomes produce/launch?id=&abc=123

This change affects Default.aspx, DefaultPortal.aspx, Finish.aspx, Preview.aspx and PreviewFinish.aspx.