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Run Action Button - Question Type

A run action button allows a user to run an action or a set of actions before submission.

Note: The Run Action button requires a separate module license key to be enabled. Please contact your account manager for this license.


A run action button is a container for an action or set of actions, much like the Finish page. To create a Run Action Button, first drag the question onto the form. The basic properties that can be configured are:
Button Text
Class Name - This is the CSS class name (btn-info, btn-warning, btn-danger etc)


You can now drag actions from the Actions panel onto the Run Action Button. Actions will be run from top to bottom.


A Run Action Button can be placed within


The best way to reference a Run Action Button output is <Question.Action.Output>

[q1.Save to Disk.Output Folder]

You can also reference the result of a Run Action Button. The result of a Run Action Button is the cumulative result of the nested actions. The return types are:


You can also reference the result of an individual action result

[q1.Save Copy.result]

Mobile apps

A Run Action Button is supported on the mobile apps, however it can only be used in online mode. If the app is in offline mode, the Run Action Button will be disabled.
Any action that modifies the Wizard object will not work on the mobile apps. As actions are run server side, Infiniti only passes back the result and the action outputs.


A common use case is a button that can only be clicked once. The best way to set this up is a forward looking variable (usually not recommended) at the Run Action Button result. Setting an editable condition on the button itself to be editable while the Result = "NotRun".


UI actions are not supported