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These docs are for v11.0. Click to read the latest docs for v31.

What's New in version 11

Things to know about Infiniti Version 11


Comprehensive Answer History

Key Features: ​

  • The end-user has the ability to view the question’s change history

How does this benefit you?​

  • Increased visibility of fields that have changed between workflow steps​
  • Ability to efficiently review changes to answers provided​

Key Features: ​

  • At the time of actioning a task, the end user is informed when changes are made to the form ​
  • “New” flags are highlighted to notify users of changes to the form​

How does this benefit you?​

  • Highlighting the changes to the form will reduce the need to manually track updates

Key Features: ​

  • Inline highlighting of modifications for rich text based questions​

  • End-users can see what text has been added/ removed

How does this benefit you?​

  • Accelerating the review of content updates resulting in higher quality data

Key Features:​

  • Ability to capture and view all uploaded files

How does this benefit you?​

  • Provides greater document version control​
  • Ability to track documents against the document owner and revision dates


Intelledox Blog

Click here for more information on Comprehensive Answer History available on our blog

Additional DocuSign Use Cases

Key Features:​

  • Generate form operation enables DocuSign to process a Infiniti Smart form when a DocuSign event occurs

Key Features:​

  • Prepare Form allows DocuSign to instruct Infiniti to initiate a form and assign to specific user​

Key Features:​

  • Submit Workflow Task - Enables DocuSign to process a signing whilst Infiniti has form routing still in flight waiting for a DocuSign event to occur


Intelledox Blog

Click here for more information on Docusign Use Case available on our blog

Improved Designer Experience

Key Features:​

  • The ability to adjust the real estate windows within Design

How does this benefit you?​

  • Flexible views when working on larger complex forms

Key Features:​

  • Easily navigate to questions with a simple Ctrl+Click on references​
  • Return to the previously selected question using the back button on the browser.
  • Hover mouse over Workflow transitions to get more information.
  • Required Action Inputs are loaded automatically once the Action is included into your solution.
  • Run Button Action has a new option to perform Form Validation to ensure form is valid before running Actions.

How does this benefit you?​

  • Easier navigation when working on larger complex forms

Key Features:​

  • The user can duplicate workflow transitions and actions with a simple copy and paste functionality

How does this benefit you?​

  • Reducing manual configuration for like transitions

Key Features:​

New Functions:​
And, ​
Or, and;​
* Switch

How does this benefit you?​

  • Reducing the complexity of formulas, in particular nested if statements

Cloud Focus

Key Features:​​

  • Key Rotation for Infiniti Encryption​​
  • Multi Tenant instances now have the option to run as a separate Infiniti database on shared Infiniti
    application infrastructure

How does this benefit you?​

  • Data segregation for organisations that need it​
  • Reduces internal IT administration and overhead

Expanded Integration Options

Key Features: ​

  • Prepare Form - instruct Infiniti to initiate a form and assign to specific user

Prepare Form:​

Prepare REST API endpoint /Produce/api/v1/client/prepareform/{id}​

API accepts JSON POST requests in the following body format:​

"answerfile": "...",​
"values": [...],​
"data": [...],​
"options": { "createInProgress": true, "saveDescription": "..." }​

The API returns the created form url in the location header of the response. It will also return the id of the created item in a json response. Either a "logguid", "answerfileid", or "workflowid" depending on what was created.​

Sample Response(workflow project):​
"workflowId": "2407bad5-5b20-42e9-b78c-7f72d1ba52c2"​

Key Features: ​

  • Enables third party systems to instruct Infiniti to action an inflight form with a pending task.

Key Features:

Submit Workflow Task:-

REST API endpoint /Produce/api/v1/client/workflow/{id}/submit ​

API accepts JSON POST requests in the following format:​​
"values": [...],​​
"data": [...]​​

Implemented customer enhancements

Key Features:​

  • The ability to select and​ assign permissions to team members who are authorised to “re-assign” a workflow task

How does this benefit you?​

  • The capability to handle routing exceptions
    For example: ​
    The ability to reassign when the current assignee is unavailable

Key Features:​

  • The ability to select and​ assign permissions to team members who are authorised to “cancel”

How does this benefit you?​

  • The capability to handle routing exceptions. ​
    For example: ​
    The ability for the creator to cancel tasks that are assigned to other stakeholders