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The full What's New Guide for each release is available on the Smart Communications community, which includes knowledge base articles, release notes, product and service notifications as well as forums where you can post and collaborate with staff and customers.

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Released 4th April 2021

OAuth2 Support in REST Action and REST Data Connection

The REST Action and REST Data Connection now support OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant type.

The Client Credentials grant is used when applications request an access token to access their own resources, not on behalf of a user. SmartIQ will automatically retrieve the access token from the token endpoint and cache it until expiry.

Each request to the target REST endpoint will include the access token from the cache (or retrieve a new one) in requests as a bearer token.

Token Url can be specified in the Connection Attributes or within the securityDefinitions section of the swagger or the openapi spec.

RFC6749 – OAuth2 Authorization Framework – Client Credentials


Released 21st March 2021

Data Modal Inputs

Data Modals are used to provide a form based experience for adding or editing records in a data object.

The design and usage of Data Modal’s is very similar to Fragments. This release adds the Input structure to Data Modals to allow a Designer to pass form context.

The Inputs can be used in the same way as Fragment Inputs. So Data Modals can leverage default values, conditional questions or sections based on what is occurring in the form, not just from within the Data Modal.

OpenAPI 3.0 Support

The SmartIQ REST Data Connection has been extended to include support for API definitions described using the OpenAPI 3.0 standard in json format.

Swagger as json and json schema files continue to be supported in addition to the OpenAPI 3.0 support.

Additional Analytics API's

Users of the Analytics module can access data from within the SmartIQ Data Connection and the REST API. This release introduces four new api endpoints to expose further analytics data from the interaction log via api.

PageLog, DropOffLog, SaveLog and TimeLog were added as discrete endpoints. These would typically be consumed by a 3rd party Business Intelligence tool or external reporting function.

EULA renamed Terms of Service

This release renames the End User License Agreement functionality to “Terms of Service”.

The feedback from customers and partners was that the original phrase limited what it could be used for and that the new terminology would have broader usage and appeal for solutions.


Released 7th March 2021

Transition Log Details

The SmartIQ Admin api '/license/transactionLog' now provides additional information around submission step details.

Each workflow submission step and project completion is logged and the new response objects
provide additional detail on individual project completions.

With the other features in the platform such as data connections, data modals, charting and dashboards you easily build out usage dashboards to dig into what’s being used in your tenant.

API Session Extension Setting

Tenants can now specify an extension to the length to which a new session will remain valid for.

Session token applies to Design and the API.

This allows the service to deliver a secure default session length for API calls (which includes calls internal to the solution) as well as the ability for tenants to extend the timeout to their needs.


Released 21st February 2021

Automatically unlock group tasks

Workflow states which have been assigned to groups now have the option to automatically unlock control of that task when a user exits the form.

The "Unlock On Exit" option is available on the Assignments tab of a workflow transition.

Existing projects will have this setting disabled, all new transitions created on existing and new projects will have the setting enabled by default.


Released 7th February 2021

Workflow Transition for Reject

Approvals were built with the model that requestor and approver's work together to refine the submission to a positive, approved outcome.

Transitions out of Approval states were always the Approved path only. Any approver who selects Reject would terminate the workflow. Essentially the requestor and approver's could not come to an agreement.

For this release the team has introduced a Transition Type when exiting an Approval. Allowing a transition to cover what happens on Reject. This might include routing back to the Requestor for resubmission, to exception processing steps or to still close out the workflow but also run some addition Actions.


Released 24th January 2021

Comment Display Types

In Design, the 'Comments' checkbox on a question has been changed from a true/false to a drop down list. The drop down list contains the following options to determine when the comments icon will display:

  • Approval Only (default)
  • Never
  • Always

Sync Package Improvements

The Export Sync Package (.iqpkg format) and the /sync/export api have been improved in this release to be more selective with what is exported. In addition to it’s current behaviour the following types of entries are only exported if they are consumed by projects in the scope of the export:

  • Actions
  • Escalations
  • Data Connections
  • Sequences
  • Custom Fields (including Response Metadata)

Data Parse Action

Previously delivered as an Ecosystem connector, the Data Parse action has been rolled into the base platform.

Available as a new Action, the Data Parse action allows is used to extract specific values from XML or JSON data, usually returned from a previous action.

The Data Parse Action lets you extract relevant information from:

  1. JSON data using JPath expressions.
  2. XML data using XPath expressions.


Released 13th December 2020

Highlight Design Elements

When a Designer is maintaining or familiarizing themselves with a project they can highlight current element in the design preview panel.

An icon at the top of tree-view that let's you toggle the feature, when enabled the functionality shows in the preview pane. On selection, Design will highlight elements in preview mode when selected in either treeview or in the preview panel.

Submit Task Escalation

Previously delivered as an Ecosystem connector, the Submit Task Escalation has been rolled into the base platform.

Available as a new Escalation option for workflow, the Submit Task escalation allows a workflow step to be automatically moved to an available State in the workflow based on the escalation being


Released 29 November 2020

Approval Overview Addition

When using a ‘Then’ clause to create a sequence of approvals each clause body will be reflected as a “stage” of the approval. This information is displayed to the user within the Approval Overview.

Results Transformation on Data Connections

Schema fields panel from IQ13.2 has been renamed to ‘Results Transformation’ to align with the new functionality introduced in this release.

In addition to applying a ‘distinct’ to a set of columns, the results from a Data Connection can also perform aggregate transformations on the data. This is the database equivalent of a ‘group by’ with an aggregate on a column.

Aggregate functions on columns include Average, Sum, Count, Minimum and Maximum.

Additional Analytics API's

Users of the Analytics module can access data from within the SmartIQ Data Connection and the REST API. This release introduces two new api endpoints, /admin/interactionLog and /admin/deviceLog to expose further analytics data via api.

These would typically be consumed by a 3rd party Business Intelligence tool or external reporting function.

Community Driven Enhancements

This section highlights some of the enhancement requests received from customers and partners which have been delivered in this release.

Support for large DocuSign Envelopes

  • The DocuSign connector now has the ability to handle files larger than the default DocuSign limit for individual documents (25mb) and to create envelopes with a combined document size larger than the envelope limit (also 25mb).
  • This is transparent to the user and designer.

Fragment Support for Find Dependencies

  • From within Design the ‘Find Dependencies’ function will now return references consumed as Fragment Inputs in the Results pane to allow direct navigation to the Fragment.

New options for IT Admin visibility of upgrade logs

  • Applicable only to on-premise customers, the database upgrade logs have been moved from the EventLog table to the DbUpgradeLog table.
  • The new DbUpgradeLog table only contains logs for database upgrades.
  • For environments where the administrator performing the upgrade does not have database access a new api endpoint has bee added, secured by the opsapikey which returns messages in the log for a given time period. Found at /admin/tenantops/upgradelog


Released 15 November 2020

This product release enhances the core operating platform while also enhancing approval workflows and delivering on community driven enhancements. It's the first generally available version of IQ13.


IQ13.0 and IQ13.1 were used as internal checkpoints and not released to market.

.NET Core Migration

IQ13 marks the completion of a transition from Microsoft .NET Framework to Microsoft . NET Core specifically the LTS release, .NET Core 3.1. A significant investment which future proof’s the SmartIQ platform and opens new deployment opportunities. .NET Core provides a broader feature set, cross-platform capabilities and better performance over .NET Framework.

This process has been slowly implemented over the releases v11, IQ12 and now complete in IQ13 and has touched almost every part of the platform. The transition sets SmartIQ up for future versions to be cross-platform which means the application component can run on Windows or Linux (the database is already on SQL Server which is cross-platform). The scheduler process is cross-platform for IQ13.

For almost all users there will be no obvious difference. For IT folks, this change broadens deployment opportunities and reduces risk.

Approval Enhancements

From simple to complex approval workflows, the addition of an approval summary page allows end users to view, assess and comment on a request from a single page. When used in conjunction with the form summary and enhancements from this release, there are new options for streamlining approvals within your organization.

Dashboard and data connection enhancements bring the approval data and state into Produce or your dashboards. Quick approval from a dashboard will also help keep list of open approvals to a minimum.

For more information, refer to Approvals.

Event Generation

The Templates list within Design has a new addition for IQ13, the ability to generate an .ics file. The generation of this file type is the core file format for event and scheduling software such as the Microsoft Exchange calendar you see in Outlook or your favorite calendar application.

The addition of this file type allows you to configure events and reminders and then email them to your clients and staff.

For more information, refer to Template - iCalendar.

Distinct on Data Connections

Previous releases have allowed Data Connections to be filtered and queried to provide the right data for your form or dashboard. In IQ13 these features have been enhanced across all Data Connection types to transform and return a new list of just unique rows.

Distinct is a term used in database circles but this feature is across all types to allow the designer to take raw data from a data connection or repeating section and only remove duplicates based on interested rows

Community Driven Enhancements

This section highlights some of the enhancement requests received from customers and partners which have been delivered in this release.

Tenant level configuration of iFrame security

  • Cloud customers in multi-tenant environments can configure the permitted site list in which their forms can be embedded within another site
  • Gives customers a solution for using new adaptive forms within existing web experiences
    For more information, refer to iFrames.

Tenant level configuration of Email delivery services

  • Cloud customers in multi-tenant environments can override the SMTP email delivery server information to control how and where email is delivered
    For more information, refer to Configuring SMTP
  • Introduces an ability to trap all outgoing email in dev and test environments by using an external development email trap like mailtrap.io

Tenant level configuration of OpenId Connect authentication

  • Cloud customers in multi-tenant environments now have OpenId Connect options for end user authentication. Each of the settings previously in the appSettings.json on the server has been moved into Manage.
    For more information, refer to OpenID Connect.

SmartComm Appliance Support

  • On-premise implementations of SmartIQ can communicate with an on-premise SmartComm appliance for generation and draft editor integration