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These docs are for v11.2. Click to read the latest docs for v31.

Authentication - Overview

Unless accessing Infiniti anonymously, users are typically authenticated to verify their identity and apply authorization based on their groups, roles and permissions. The simplest authentication mode is Forms Authentication, which is the recommended starting point for a new Infiniti deployment.
Infiniti supports four built-in authentication modes:

  • Forms Authentication
  • Windows Authentication
  • LDAP Authentication
  • Basic Windows Authentication

In addition to these modes, Infiniti has been integrated with a wide range of other authentication systems and technologies, including OpenID, SAML, WS-Fed and more.



  • When changing authentication modes in an environment, it’s recommended that you modify only Infiniti Produce at first while you keep using Forms Authentication for Manage until you have verified that Produce is working with the new method.

  • Infiniti V10 introduced Identity Extensions that allows extending the authentication capabilities of Infiniti, for more information Identity.

No additional configuration is needed in most cases. If the web.config authentication mode is set up to be "Windows" and no Identity Extension has been added, it is assumed that the site wants the equivalent of WindowsMembershipProvider and no additional configuration is needed.

If the web.config authentication mode is set up to be "None" (default) and no Identity Extension has been added, it is assumed that the site wants the equivalent of FormsMembershipProvider and no additional configuration is needed.

BasicWindowsMembershipProvider has been rolled into WindowsMembershipProvider as just a config option.

For backwards compatibility, custom MembershipProviders are still supported via a MembershipProviderIdentity extension:.

Upgrade Process

Site using FormsMembershipProvider:

  • All membership providers will be removed.
  • No additional extensions will be added.
  • No authentication config settings added.

Site using WindowsMembershipProvider:

  • All membership providers will be removed.
  • No additional extensions will be added.
  • Config settings that were located on the provider node in web.config migrated to Authentication:Windows in appsettings.json.

Site using BasicWindowsMembershipProvider:

  • All membership providers will be removed.
  • No additional extensions will be added.
  • Config settings that were located on the provider node in web.config migrated to Authentication:Windows in appsettings.json.
  • "Basic": "True" config setting added to Authentication:Windows in appsettings.json

Site using LDAPMembershipProvider:

  • All membership providers will be removed.
  • "Intelledox.Extension.IdentityBuiltin.LDAPIdentity, Intelledox.Extension.IdentityBuiltin" extension added to appsettings.json.
  • Config settings that were located on the provider node in web.config migrated to Authentication:LDAP in appsettings.json.

Site using a custom MembershipProvider:

  • All membership providers except the custom one will be removed.
  • "Intelledox.MembershipSecurity.MembershipProviderIdentity, Intelledox.MembershipSecurity" extension added to appsettings.json.
  • No authentication config settings added.