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Azure Active Directory

Using Intelledox OOB SAML 2.0

Configure Azure

  1. Navigate to Azure Portal
  2. Select Azure Active Directory from Portal menu.
  3. App Registrations > New Registration.
  1. Click Register
  2. Navigate to the newly registered web app and click the Authentication blade.
  3. Create a new Redirect URI path
  1. Click Save.


Redirect URI's

You should now have 2 Redirect URIs. One for /Manage and one for /Produce.

SAML 2.0 Parameters

  1. Navigate to the newly created app registration overview. Application (client) ID will be Manage Entity ID and Produce Entity ID used later in this guide.
  2. Navigate back to the list of App Registrations and click on Endpoints tab.
  3. Identify the Federation Metadata Document url, this will be the MetaData URL needed later in this guide.

Configure Intelledox

  1. Log into Manage and navigate to Settings on the left menu.
  2. Click SAML 2.0 tab.
  • Enable SAML 2.0 Checkbox to enable editing.
  • Enable Create Users
  • Manage Entity Id: Paste the Application (client) ID done in step 1. of previous section.
  • Produce Entity Id: Paste the Application (client) ID done in step 1. of previous section.
  • Metadata Url: Paste the Federation Metadata Document done in step 3. of previous section.
  1. Click Save.



Notice how the rest of parameters are auto populated.

User Profile Mapping

  1. In Intelledox Manage > Settings. Click User Profile Mapping.
  2. In a separate browser tab, open the Metadata Url and gather the appropriate Uri attributes to be mapped. Should be something like: Uri="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress"


Find Attributes

CTRL+F for Email, should take you to the appropriate section in the Metadata. Copy Uri.