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System In Progress Tasks

All currently in progress workflows forms for all users. Useful for open and outstanding tasks and workflows.

AllowCancellationIndicates if the assigned user has permission to cancel this task
AllowReassignIndicates if the assigned user has permission to reassign this task
AssignedByThe username of the user who assigned this task to the current user.
AssignedByEmailThe email of the user who assigned this task to the current user.
AssignedByGuidThe ID of the user who assigned this task to the current user, in guid form
AssignedByNameThe name of the user who assigned this task to the current user.
AssignedGuidThe ID of the user or group to whom this task is assigned in guid form
AssignedToThe username of the user or group to whom this task is assigned
AssignedToEmailThe email of the user or group to whom this task is assigned
AssignedToNameThe name of the user or group to whom this task is assigned
AssignedTypeWhether this task is assigned to a "User" or a "Group"
CommentAny comment entered when a Save In Progress answer file was created.
DateCreatedUtcThe date this task was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
(Custom Response Metadata Fields)As configured by Infiniti administrators.