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Repeating pages and sections - overview

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Page TitleType in a title for the page.
RepeatingCheck this to make the page repeat. This option is unchecked by default.
Show duplicate buttonThis option is unchecked by default.
Data DrivenThis option is unchecked by default.
MinimumThe minimum number of time the section or page repeats.
Show minimum pages on startupForce it to show a minimum number of pages by default.
MaximumThe maximum number of time the section or page repeats.
Repeat ContentCheck one:
Placeholder ""

"Checking Placeholder adds an additional Placeholder(s) field.
Repeat NameThis is used to describe to the form user what type of information they need to enter. It also reads better if you see a button called "Add Asset", you know what needs to be done.
Repeat TitleAdd a title. Make sure it is unique.
StyleOptions are:
Alert (error)
Alert (info)
Alert (success)
Alert (warning)
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