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Release Notes - Infiniti 9.6 (

Infiniti, by Intelledox, helps organizations to nurture and control business processes through document automation, smart web forms (e-forms), batch processing and CRM. It is an award-winning product that allows businesses to produce smarter, targeted customer communications while easing the burden of paperwork and red tape.

Utilizing Responsive Web Design, Intelledox Infiniti is a digital transformation platform that helps companies rapidly develop and deliver mobile-ready business processes. Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Financial Services, and Enterprise customers worldwide deploy the Infiniti platform to enhance customer engagement, increase customer satisfaction, streamline efficiency, and drive down operational costs. Infiniti helps businesses quickly create and deploy intuitive, digital, business processes to replace difficult-to-understand paper and electronic forms. Infiniti empowers business users to develop, manage and set up engaging customer-facing applications, helping them reduce costs through improved process efficiency while delivering an enriched customer experience.

Unlike other business process automation software that can only produce outputs in one type of file or format, Infiniti can generate multi-format, multi-channel documents in DOC, DOCX, PDF, XML, PPT, SMS, TXT, HTML, CSV, email and many more.

This is a product release that delivers additional functionality over the previous customer version of Infiniti (v9.5).


Upgrade Warning

As of v9.3, a separate License Key is required for Content Library and Address/Contacts modules.

In version 9.6 changes were made that will affect all resources (eg: images, fonts, etc...) called in CSS. Previously, links relative to the page were allowed with no restrictions. However, in the latest version you will need to make sure your links are relative to the root, or they will not work.

For example:

If your original full path is this:


Your link could have been this:


In the latest version it will need to look like the following:


You can change your links in the current version and when you complete the upgrade images will display. If you have already upgraded, simply go into your css and make the changes.

Infiniti 9.6 Features

Infiniti 9.6 introduces the following new features and updates over the previous public release version of Infiniti v9.5:

Updates for v9.6

Web Design

Web Design is a new web-based Infiniti Design tool. This feature was available for Beta testing since V9.4 and was formally made available as standard feature in Infiniti. It has all the features for Infiniti Design Application and some enhanced features like Form Preview, Language Translation and others, to enhance usability.


Skinning at Tenant, Group, and Project level for Web and Windows Apps is now available.

For further details, refer to the following article:

Infiniti theme settings

Multi-lingual Form Translations

Form designers can provide language translations which allow forms to be presented in the user’s preferred language, and where necessary, apply specific cultural variations. Translations apply to any text that has the potential to be displayed to the user in Produce. Languages are controlled via the user’s profile or are overwritten by passing a value on the query string (e.g. ?lang=es-ES).

For further details, refer to the following article:
Multi-Lingual form translations

Actions in parallel workflows

Actions can be added to a parallel workflow to execute when all exit transitions from a parallel section have completed. i.e. If there are 3 parallel states, the submission of the first two will not cause any Actions to trigger, however, when the third state is submitted, then the Actions will trigger.

For further details, refer to the following article:
Parallel workflows

Plain Text Templates support (TXT, HTML, CSV)

The following templates have been added: TXT, HTML, CSV.


Multiple performance enhancements have been added that enhance the following: answer files with repeating sections, data sources with complicated filters, and date functions.


Authenticated users are able to access anonymous forms.

Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is now available in Produce and Manage.

For further details, refer to the following article:
Two-factor authentication in Produce and Manage

AD and LDAP Synchronization

User directory sync for AD and LDAP is available.

For further details, refer to the following article:
User directory sync for AD and LDAP

HTML Forms

Data URIs are supported for image src attributes in custom HTML.

Device Application

Rich text and Watermark for multiple text rows were added for iOS and Android.

For further details, refer to the following article:
Offline app feature support

Document processing

Aspose.Words upgrade to 16.5.

Complete bug list

Code enhancements

The following list of items, that existed up-to the latest version have been fixed in this release of Infiniti v9.6:

•9103 – Performance improvement for forms with data sources with complicated filters - especially repeater data sources
•9190 – Performance: Date functions
•9206 - Improved performance of loading answer files with repeating sections

New features and functionality

The following updates and enhancements have been made in this version of Infiniti v9.6

•9091 – Skinning features for Produce
•9100 - Two factor authentication in Produce and Manage
•9108 – User directory sync for AD and LDAP (manual trigger)
•9147 - Scheduler - User directory sync for AD and LDAP
•9156 - Plain text document templates (TXT, HTML, CSV)
•9176 - Web Design is now visible by default
•9182 – X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, and X-Content-Type-Options security http headers for new installs
•9183 – Data URIs are supported for image src attributes in custom html
•9191 – Skinning features for Windows App
•9198 – Header and footer shrunk in windows app on project pages
•9202 - Aspose.Words upgrade to 16.5
•9207 - Actions can be added to the end of a parallel workflow
•9256 - Multilingual Form Translations
•9261 – Current User Language Variables
•9267 - Workflow Notification Emails are sent in the language of the recipient where a translation has been provided.
•9290 - Project skinning added to Windows App
•9308 - Escalation Inputs Support Language Translations
•9309 - Email Escalation Will Determine Recipient’s Language and Translate Subject and Body
•9311 - Display Message Action Will Determine Current User’s Language and Display Translated Heading and Message
•9312 - Project Name Supports Language Translation (Form Only)
•9347 – iOS & Android - Rich Text
•9348 – Comments added to android and ios apps
•9395 - User Profile and Business unit profile can pick any culture specific language where a neutral translation exists.