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SmartIQ Components

SmartIQ is a sophisticated eForm and document generation platform, which can be operated independently or integrated with other systems to perform data capture, presentation, and delivery services.

Integration with SmartIQ is achieved in a variety of ways:

  • Presenting eForms within other systems and websites.
  • Live retrieval of data from third-party systems and data stores
  • Generating singular or batch styled documentation from eForm and retrieved data
  • Delivering data and documents to third-party databases and legacy systems.
  • Delivering data and documents directly to recipients via email, SMS, etc.
  • Generating documents system to system via a web service suite.
  • Provide authentication by integrating with common or custom user management systems.

SmartIQ exposes a rich Web Service based API and allows a range of add-on extensibility through the .NET dependency injection. Common extensions are packaged with the SmartIQ platform, such as a REST data source extension and a Webhook extension. Where necessary extensions can be developed to suit more custom requirements.


Integration Architecture

SmartIQ components are represented with red squares in above diagram, covering user facing and internal modules:

  • Offline Apps
  • Produce
  • SmartIQ engine
    • Workflow
    • Scheduler
  • Document Outputs (Templates)