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Troubleshooting mode

When troubleshooting mode is on, if you have an error on a data source, the details of the error will be displayed in Produce.

Troubleshooting mode makes variables and invisible data sources visible for the purposes of identifying issues in a project.

Variables will be visible from a list of answer name/value pairs. The data source will display itself as a search data source which is not editable.

Mandatory questions will not be enforced in troubleshooting mode, to enable quick navigation around a form.

The Actions that were run will be displayed on the download page. 

  • Successful Actions will list their outputs
  • Failed Actions will display the error that occurred.
  • Repeating Actions will be displayed by the number of times they were run.

How to configure Troubleshooting Mode

When publishing a project, you can choose the option called "Troubleshooting Mode".

  1. Select desired project from Projects in Manage.

  2. Click "Publish". Under Publish Options select Troubleshooting Mode.


There are two new options underneath it (always default to ON):

  • Show Variables
  • Show Invisible Datasources

Unchecking these options will mean that when a user runs the form, variables/invisible datasources will no longer be visible in Troubleshooting Mode.

  1. Click Save.



Making a data source visible may create minor performance differences. The data will be retrieved as soon as the data source is displayed on the page. This may be different to when it's invisible and only retrieves the data once that data is required by a visible element.

Showing Detailed Datasource Errors

Datasource errors provide detailed database information that have been restricted for individual tenants to enable or disable.

The details of the error message are only displayed if:

  • Troubleshooting mode is ON and the instance has a test or demo license;
  • Troubleshooting mode is ON and the appropriate setting has been enabled.


The Show Full Troubleshooting Errors option is disabled by default.

  1. In Manage, go to Settings > Security.
  2. Select the Show Full Troubleshooting Errors option.
  1. Click Save.