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Microsoft SharePoint



Contact your sales representative if you are interested in obtaining a license for the Microsoft SharePoint Connector for your SmartIQ instance.

For on-premise installation instructions, contact SmartIQ Support.

SharePoint is a popular enterprise content and document management platform developed by Microsoft Corporation, and provides a wide range of functions and capabilities including personal cloud, enterprise social networking, enterprise search, business intelligence, workflow management and web content management.

The Microsoft SharePoint Connector for SmartIQ has been developed to provide an integrated experience for customers looking for end to end document lifecycle management, leveraging the powerful e-forms and document creation of SmartIQ and the content management and publishing capabilities of SharePoint.



Data Connection


  • Save documents to SharePoint, including documents generated by SmartIQ and any required attachments. This includes adding new and updating existing documents.
  • Supports a wide range of metadata, including text, dates, choice and multi-choice items.
  • Support for managed metadata based on a taxonomy term store.
  • Automatic check-out for documents being updated, if required based on the library settings.
  • Ability to check-in documents with major, minor or overwrite version settings and provide a custom check-in comment.
  • Save documents to existing folders, or create folders if required.
  • Define global default connection information, or override per project to connect to multiple SharePoint sites.

SharePoint Service Account

This connector uses a service account to authenticate with the SharePoint server. This account may be any valid SharePoint user with appropriate permissions to perform the required tasks.

While not a requirement, it is recommended that this account be a dedicated account for this purpose.


The Microsoft SharePoint Connector exposes a number of settings which provide tenant-wide values to control behavior or context. In many cases, these settings can be overridden when the action is used in a project.

Connector Settings



Connector Settings are applied system-wide. For specific scenarios where it is required to use different credentials, specify the credential settings in Design or in the Data Connection configuration.

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the SmartIQ Manage application and log in.

  2. Go to Settings > SharePoint.

  3. Review and update the settings as required. The settings are described in the table below.




  • These connector settings are optional. However, if not set within the action an error may occur.
  • Default User Agent is not configurable with the action attributes and must be configured on the settings page if used.
  • Taxonomy Term Store Culture is also not configurable within the action attributes and must have a valid culture identifier if using managed metadata.
NameName of the SharePoint site
Default Site URLEnter the URL of the SharePoint site to use by default. This needs to be the site root which will something like https://mysharepoint.com or https://mysharepoint.com/mysite

Note: Page or list urls are not correct for this value.
Default Document LibraryEnter the name of the Document Library to use by default for saving documents.
Default UsernameEnter the SharePoint service account username. Ensure this user has appropriate read/write/update permissions for the actions you plan to use.
Default PasswordEnter the password for the service account.
Default DomainIf using Windows authentication, enter the domain name of the service account.
Default VersionEnter the version of Microsoft SharePoint that the default site URL refers to.

Refer to SharePoint Versions for more information.
Taxonomy Term Store CultureIf using Managed Metadata, enter the culture identifier for the Taxonomy Term Store to be used.
Create Missing TermsIf this is set to ‘true’ and when a Managed Metadata term is specified but does not yet exist, the system will create the term and populate it.
Default User AgentIf this value is not supplied, your SharePoint access may be throttled after a small number of requests. See this for information on generating an appropriate User Agent value for your server.
Default Request TimeoutIn milliseconds. Increase this if you need have a slow server/connection or are getting timeout errors connecting to the SharePoint site.
  1. For multiple SharePoint accounts, click the New Set button. For example, Dev and Production.

  2. Click the Save button at the top of the page.

SharePoint Data Connection

The SharePoint Connector also includes a data object type for retrieving information from a SharePoint list or folder, in a manner that can be displayed and analyzed. This feature is intended to provide form users with access to relevant SharePoint information or resources without those end users having direct access to the SharePoint environment. For example, external facing portals where users are not part of the organization’s domain.

  1. In Manage, create a new Data Connection and select “SharePoint” as the Connection Type.
  1. Configure the settings as per the table below:
Data Connection NameEnter the name of this data source, then this can be referenced in Design.
Connection TypeSharePoint
FolderSelect a folder from the list.
SettingsSelect the SharePoint account from the drop-down list.

Note: This will only appear if your site has multiple SharePoint account in Settings.
Connection AttributesConnect to SharePoint by using a custom connection string.
  1. Select No credentials required if the account credentials have already been set in Settings.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Click Test Connection to verify that all the settings have been configured correctly,


Multiple Environments

The data connection is restricted to a single SharePoint site. If you have multiple sites, for example, https://my.sharepoint.com/internal and https://my.sharepoint.com/clients, etc, you will need to create a separate data connection for each site and specify the correct site url in the connection attribute for each site.

  1. Click Data Objects > New Data Object.

  2. Select ‘List’ from the Object Type drop-down.

  3. In the Data Object Name/Definition field, enter a few characters from the name of the list you want to access (or enter a few spaces to view the complete list).

  4. Chose the list you want to access and provide an appropriate Display Name for the chosen list.

  5. In Available Filter Fields, click Add All.

  6. Click Save.


SharePoint Versions

This connector is primarily designed to work with SharePoint 2013 & 2016 and SharePoint Online. It uses the .NET client-side object model (CSOM) to communicate with the SharePoint server.

The Default Version connector setting, and the Version action attribute helps the connector determine behavior in the following ways:

  • Authentication mode – If the version is set to ‘online’, the connector will authenticate using a special SharePoint Online credential type and will not use the Domain setting.
    If set to any other version, the connector will connect using one of the following methods:

  • Anonymous authentication (if no user information provided)

  • Forms authentication (username and password provided, but no domain)

  • Windows authentication (username, password and domain are provided)

  • Document upload technique – If the version is set to ‘online’ or ‘2013’, the connector is able to pass larger document files to SharePoint using a content stream attribute within the object model.
    For previous versions the content binary is passed in directly and will be limited in size based on the configuration of the SharePoint server’s request size limit, which by default is 2MB to avoid potential performance degradation.

  • For SharePoint 2016+, use the 2013 version flag value.

Save to Document Library Action

The Save to Document Library Action has been designed to save documents generated by SmartIQ or attached to the SmartIQ form, to be saved to a SharePoint document library.

Features include:

  • Save documents to SharePoint, including documents generated by SmartIQ and any required attachments. This includes adding new and updating existing documents.
  • Supports a wide range of metadata, including text, dates, choice and multi-choice items.
  • Support for managed metadata based on a taxonomy term store.
  • Automatic check-out for documents being updated, if required based on the library settings.
  • Ability to check-in documents with major, minor or overwrite version settings and provide a custom check-in comment.
  • Save documents to existing folders, or create folders if required.
  • Define global default connection information, or override per project to connect to multiple SharePoint sites.

Using the Action in Design

Once you’ve added the Save to SharePoint Document Library Action to your project, either on the Finish page or a workflow transition, use the following table to configure any action attributes that you require.



There are no mandatory action attributes. Use the table below to apply any action attributes that are appropriate. Remember, default values set in the connector settings will be used if there are no overriding action attributes, and you may override some or all settings as required.

Action Attributes

Site URLEnter the URL of the SharePoint site to use. This needs to be the site root which will something like https://mysharepoint.com or https://mysharepoint.com/mysite

Note: Page or list urls are not correct for this value.
Document LibraryEnter the name of the Document Library to use for saving documents.
UsernameEnter the SharePoint service account username. Ensure this user has appropriate read/write/update permissions for the actions you plan to use.
PasswordEnter the password for the service account.
DomainIf using Windows authentication, enter the domain name of the service account.
VersionEnter the version of Microsoft SharePoint that the site URL refers to.

Refer to SharePoint Versions for more information.
Metadata ElementEnter the name and value of a single metadata element to be set, including managed metadata, using the format:
name = value
Add as many Metadata Element attributes as you need to set all metadata values.

See Metadata below for more information.
Content TypeEnter the name of the SharePoint content type to use, if it varies from the library default.
Create FolderSet as ‘true’ if the connector should automatically create the folder specified if it doesn’t already exist. Note that if set, this will create nested folder structures if specified.
FolderSpecify the folder path to which this document should be saved.

Note: If the document library attribute is not set, it is assumed the folder attribute will contain the name of the document library. Path items should be separated with a ‘/’ e.g. ‘parentfolder/childfolder‘.
Check-inSet as ‘true’ if the connector should check the document in after uploading. If document version control is enabled in the target document library, this setting can be used to avoid leaving documents in a checked out state.
Check-in TypeSet as ‘major’, ‘minor’ or ‘overwrite’ to indicate the version control behaviour for this check-in.
Check-in CommentEnter a comment if you wish to be recorded against this version check-in.

Action Outputs

Download Document URLUrl to download the newly created or updated.
Base Document Library URLBase Url of the folder where the document was saved or updated.
Preview Document URLUrl that allows previewing the document in the browser.



For backward compatibility with the old SharePoint Action Provider, the Folder attribute supports a full document path in place of using the Document Library attribute. For example:

Configuring Metadata

You can configure this action to save metadata values against the documents saved in SharePoint. SmartIQ supports both standard metadata site columns, as well as managed metadata.
There are two ways this can be configured:

Document Metadata

In Design, click Project Properties > Document Metadata to open the metadata screen. Add any metadata elements required, and set fixed or dynamic values based on questions in the form.
Metadata configured in this way will be added for all Save to SharePoint Document Library actions used in the project.

Action Level Metadata

On the Save to SharePoint Document Library action, add a Metadata Element attribute for each metadata column to be configured following the format specified in the attributes table above.
Metadata configured in this way is only added to the action it is configured for, and will override any project level metadata configured with the same name.

Metadata columns, including managed metadata, may be configured to allow multiple selections. For example, a multiple choice field. To set multiple values where allowed, you can pass a pipe-separated string value. For example: metadata_name = value1|value2|value3

Action Documents

Use the Documents tab in Design to configure which documents should be used by this action. By default, all documents will be used, including those generated and attached.
If you’d like to configure which documents should be used by this action, select the ‘Custom’ option on the Documents tab and proceed to add the required documents and document formats.

Error Handling

The Save to Document Library Action will return an action result. For more information about action result types, refer to this page. If the result is a failure, an error message will be available in Manage on the Management screen.

Troubleshooting Mode

If Troubleshooting Mode is enabled for a published project, the Save to Document Library Action will record a series of information messages on the Management screen in Manage. These messages are intended to help identify problems and where they occur in the document save process, in particular with setting metadata, content type and checking in or out.
For example:

---Begin Microsoft SharePoint Connector Debug Messages---
About to save document 'MyDocument.docx' to SharePoint
Performing document check-out ready for content type and/or metadata update...
Check-out completed.
Setting content type to 'Sample'...
Content type set.
Setting metadata...
Metadata set.
Performing final check-in...
Check-in completed.
---End Microsoft SharePoint Connector Debug Messages---

Common Error Messages

All error messages generated by this action begin with the statement ‘{Action Name} failed:’ for example Save to SharePoint Document Library failed. If you renamed the action in Design, the name you chose will be used.



All failure messages are reported as level ‘Warning’ in Manage. SmartIQ reserves the use of ‘Error’ level messages for critical events such as document generation errors that may affect all actions.

Some common error messages that may be returned by this action are:

  • List ‘{listname}’ does not exist at site with URL ‘{siteurl}’.
    The document library named in the action attributes, or the default document library named in the connector settings, does not exist. Check the settings and try again.
  • The file “{fileurl}” is checked out for editing by {username}.
    The document being uploaded to SharePoint already exists, and is already checked out by a user making it unavailable for updates by this connector. Ask the owner to check the document in before trying again, or nominate an alternate folder.
  • Folder not found '{foldername}'.
    The folder named in the action attributes does not exist in the SharePoint document library, and the Create Folder attribute is not set to ‘true’.

Sample Project

SharePoint Connector - Save to SharePoint Document Library

This is a SmartIQ project that generates a Word document and saves it into SharePoint online. It will also include a metadata field.

Action Configuration
Action InputValue
Document LibraryDocuments
Metadata Element [name=value]Location = Fyshwick

Note that it will save the generated document in the ACT folder that is located within the Australia folder.

├── Documents
│      ├── Australia
└──        └── ACT

Also note that every time the form is submitted, it will modify the existing document if the name and path are the same. Versioning will be applied as defined in SharePoint General Settings.

Connector Settings (Manage)
Property NameValue
Default Site URLhttps://YourDomain.sharepoint.com
Default Document LibraryDocuments
Default UsernameYourUsername
Default PasswordYourPassword
Default Version [2010|2013|online]online
Taxonomy Term Store Cultureen-US
Create Missing Terms [true|false]false
Default Request Timeout1000000

Save to List Action

The List Action has been designed to save metadata generated by SmartIQ to be saved to a SharePoint list.

Features include:

  • Save metadata as a list item to SharePoint. This includes adding new and updating existing list items.
  • Supports a wide range of metadata, including text, dates, choice and multi-choice items.
  • Support for managed metadata based on a taxonomy term store.
  • Define global default connection information, or override per project to connect to multiple SharePoint sites.

Using the Action in Design

Once you’ve added the Save to List Action to your project, either on the Finish page or a workflow transition, use the following table to configure any action attributes that you require.



There are no mandatory action attributes. Use the table below to apply any action attributes that are appropriate. Remember, default values set in the connector settings will be used if there are no overriding action attributes, and you may override some or all settings as required.

Action Attributes

Site URLEnter the URL of the SharePoint site to use. This needs to be the site root which will something like https://mysharepoint.com or https://mysharepoint.com/mysite

Note: Page or list urls are not correct for this value.
UsernameEnter the SharePoint service account username. Ensure this user has appropriate read/write/update permissions for the actions you plan to use.
PasswordEnter the password for the service account.
DomainIf using Windows authentication, enter the domain name of the service account.
VersionEnter the version of Microsoft SharePoint that the site URL refers to.

Refer to SharePoint Versions for more information.
Metadata ElementEnter the name and value of a single metadata element to be set, including managed metadata, using the format:
name = value
Add as many Metadata Element attributes as you need to set all metadata values.

See Metadata below for more information.
Create Missing TermIf this is set to ‘true’, when a Managed Metadata term is specified but does not yet exist, the system will create the term and populate it. It will override the value in the connector settings so can be set to ‘false’ if needed.
ListEnter the name of the List to be modified
List Item IdEnter the List Item Id for the item to be updated.
Save OperationPossible operations are ‘insert’ or ‘update’. For update the List Item Id is required.

Configuring Metadata

You must configure this action to save metadata values against the list item saved in SharePoint. SmartIQ supports both standard metadata site columns, as well as managed metadata.
There are two ways this can be configured:

Document Metadata

In Design, click Project Properties > Document Metadata to open the metadata screen. Add any metadata elements required, and set fixed or dynamic values based on questions in the form.
Metadata configured in this way will be added for all Save to SharePoint List actions used in the project.`

Action Level Metadata

On the Save to SharePoint List action, add a Metadata Element attribute for each metadata column to be configured following the format specified in the attributes table above.

Metadata configured in this way is only added to the action it is configured for, and will override any project level metadata configured with the same name.

Metadata columns, including managed metadata, may be configured to allow multiple selections – for example a multiple choice field. To set multiple values where allowed, you can pass a pipe-separated string value. For example:
metadata_name = value1|value2|value3

Error Handling

The Save to Document Library Action will return an action result. For more information about action result types, refer to this page. If the result is a failure, an error message will be available in SmartIQ Manage on the Management screen.

Troubleshooting Mode

If Troubleshooting Mode is enabled for a published projects, the Save to List Action will record a series of information messages on the Management screen in Manage. These messages are intended to help identify problems and where they occur in the document save process, in particular with setting metadata, content type and checking in or out.
For example:

---Begin Microsoft SharePoint Connector Debug Messages---	
About to insert a new item in list 'My List'.	
Setting metadata...	
--> Field name 'Title' found. Field Value='' metadata value set	
About to save standard metadata...	
Save completed.	
Metadata set.	
---End Microsoft SharePoint Connector Debug Messages---

Common Error Messages

All error messages generated by this action begin with the statement ‘{Action Name} failed:’ for example ‘Save to SharePoint List failed’. If you renamed the action in Design, the name you chose will be used.



All failure messages are reported as level ‘Warning’ in Manage. SmartIQ reserves the use of ‘Error’ level messages for critical events such as document generation errors that may affect all actions.

Some common error messages that may be returned by this action are:

  • Save to SharePoint List Action failed: You must specify a SharePoint List name.
  • List ‘{listname}’ does not exist at site with URL ‘{siteurl}’.
    The list named in the action attributes does not exist. Check the settings and try again.
  • About to update item '' in list ‘{listname}’
    No List Item Id was found so the item to update is blank.
  • Field name '{name}' not found and will be ignored.
    Metadata field name supplied was not present so cannot be updated.
  • Save to SharePoint List Action failed: Input string was not in a correct format.
    This error can have a number of causes but will occur if the List Item Id is not valid.

Sample Project

SharePoint Connector - Save to SharePoint List

This SmartIQ project saves metadata into a SharePoint List. Please note that a Custom List named Customers needs to be configured in SharePoint with Columns: Name and DOB.

Action Configuration
Action InputValue
Metadata Element [name=value]Name = [q1] [q2]
Metadata Element [name=value]DOB = [q3]
Connector Settings (Manage)
Property NameValue
Default Site URLhttps://YourDomain.sharepoint.com
Default Document LibraryDocuments
Default UsernameYourUsername
Default PasswordYourPassword
Default Version [2010|2013|online]online
Taxonomy Term Store Cultureen-US
Create Missing Terms [true|false]false
Default Request Timeout1000000