User Group Tasks
All in progress forms for this user's group - replicates Produce "Forms Assigned to my Groups"
Current User Data
Data Returned by the data object is specific to the logged in user.
Name | Description |
AllowCancellation | Indicates if the user has permission to cancel this task |
AllowReassign | Indicates if the user has permission to reassign this task |
AllowUnlock | Indicates if the user has permission to unlock this task if it is locked to another user |
AnswerFileID | The ID of any saved in progress Answer File for this user as an integer |
AssignedBy | The username of the user who assigned this task to the current user. |
AssignedByName | The name of the user who assigned this task to the current user. |
AssignedGuid | The ID of the user to whom this task is assigned in guid form |
AssignedType | Whether this task is assigned to a "User" or a "Group" |
Comment | Any comment entered when a Save In Progress answer file was created. |
DateCreatedUtc | The date this task was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
DateDueUtc | The date this task is due (if it has a due date) in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
DisplayName | The name of the current task |
HasDueDate | Whether the task has a due date or not |
InProgress | Indicates whether the current task is in progress or complete |
IsLockedBySomeoneElse | Whether the task is locked by a user who is not the current user |
LockedByUser | The ID of the user who has this task locked in guid form (this may be the current user) |
ProjectGroupGuid | The ID of the published version of this project in guid form(if the project is published in different folders it will have a different ID for each folder/project combination) |
ProjectName | The name of the current project |
RunID | A Guid identifier representing then entire workflow start to finish. |
StateGuid | If this is a workflow task this is the ID of the current state in guid form |
StateName | If this is a workflow task, this is the name of the current state |
TaskListStateId | If this is a workflow task, this is the ID for the submission of the current step, in guid form |
UserGuid | The ID in Guid form of the Current User |
(Custom Response Metadata Fields) | As configured by SmartIQ administrators. |
Mobile apps allow the following operations in dashboards
Name | Description |
Delete | Tasks for which the user has delete permissions will have a delete option. This option will also be available to current users with answer files in progress. |
Unlock | Group tasks which are locked by the current user will have an unlock option on the pull-down. |
Claim | Group tasks which are not claimed by any user can be claimed by clicking on the link for that particular task. |
Offline Operations
Unlock and Claim operations can only be used when the mobile app is online. If the app is offline a message will appear to indicate these actions cannot be taken.
Updated almost 5 years ago