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These docs are for v11.0. Click to read the latest docs for v31.

Temporary User Troubleshooting

Save button does not appear

Check that you have the appropriate license (Temporary User Save module)
In Design, under project properties:
Ensure an access code generation type has been selected
Make sure Email Subject has a value. Note that if this value has a question reference, they must be resolved (by post back) before the save button will appear. Try putting a button on the page and selecting type Refresh. Enter a valid email and click the button.

Reassign task - recover temporary user workflow save

If task has been saved by a temporary user and they do not have access to their access code, you will need to reassign the task in Manage.
Log into Manage and select Workflow
Click Search and find the temporary user assignment
Click Reassign
Enter a new email and name
Click reassign
Note that it's important to configure SMTP for Manage (This would not normally be configured) as a new AccessCode will be generated using the [AutoGenerate] access code generation logic.