Interaction Drop Off Log
Returns forms that were forcibly terminated. It includes the last page the user was on together with the last question the user interacted with. If no questions were interacted with on the page question columns will resolve to null.
A drop-off is defined as a form that is terminated in a manner other than the following:
- Submitted
- Reassigned
- Go to Project (Tile Question)
- Saved (A saved form can be exited without counting as a drop off).
Name | Description |
Form | Name of the Fortm |
Log_Guid | ID for the session |
Page | Drop of Page |
PageFocusTimeUTC | When the user navigated to the drop off page (UTC) |
Question | Last question the user interacted with before drop off |
QuestionFocusTimeUTC | When the user interacted with the above question |
Database Raw Data
Access to the raw data can be achieved using the query below:
SELECT TOP (1000) [Business_Unit_GUID]
FROM [vwInteractionLog_DropOff]
Updated about 5 years ago