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IQ29.4 Release Notes

Released 4 June 2023

Sharepoint CSOM and Graph API

Sharepoint Online extension has been updated to replace the existing Sharepoint Service, and now supports Graph API (excluding managed meta data) and CSOM.

Authentication for the above:

Authentication for Graph API - clientid/client secret - new applciation in Azure
CSOM - ACS (clientid/secret - replacing the username/password) or Azure AD (username/password and appid) - new application in Azure

If you are using the existing sharepoint app, only continue with ACS as long as MS supports that.
Any new sharepoint environments should use Graph API or CSOM Azure AD. The preferred option is Graph API.


Signature OneSpan action will no longer treat a missing document as an error. If a configured document is not supplied an informational log will be displayed in debug mode but otherwise that part of the signature request will not be sent.

Admin API Workflow Patch Endpoint (Lock/Unlock a task)

This update introduces a patch endpoint where details of an existing workflow can be updated. Before this update the only property of a workflow that could be changed is its locked/unlocked property. When a task is locked you need to pass in the GUID or username of the user to lock it to, clearly said user should have access to the task.

See the swagger file for the new endpoint but some sample requests look like the below:

Unlock a task: (note the id of the task is passed in the URL e.g. {{baseUrl}}/workflow/ff2d72a0-2bee-ed11-8fae-4c796e1fe8c4)  
  "locked": false  

Lock to a user by GUID  
  "locked": true,  
  "lockedBy": "ff2d72a0-2bee-ed11-8fae-4c796e1fe8c4"  

Lock to a user by username  
  "locked": true,  
  "lockedByName": "ztest_User1"  


Release Notes on the Community

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