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User Profile

The Profile page allows users to manage detailed information about themselves, including full name, contact information and profile picture. This information can be used by form designers to add context or pre-populate forms based on who you are.

Hide/Show Profile Page

Access to Profile Page in Produce from Produce homepage can be controlled through following settings.

In Manage, General settings allows control to end users to be able to change profile details by selecting "Show Profile Page" option.

Deselecting this option will hide the "Profile" button on Produce Homepage.

To access the Profile page, click 'Profile' from the Produce home page. Update any of the available fields and then click Save to update your profile.

Changing your password

Under your username, click the Change Password field to display the change password fields. You will be required to enter your current password, then provide a new password and re-enter to confirm. With all three fields completed, click Save to update your password.

Please note that the password associated with your profile is part of the inbuilt Forms Authentication. If your SmartIQ environment is setup to use a different type of authentication, this method will not update passwords stored in other systems such as Active Directory or federated authentication systems.

Set your profile picture

Having a profile picture adds a more personal touch to SmartIQ, and the more users you interact with through workflows or question-level comments, these pictures can really help with staying in touch with who you're working with.


Profile pictures enhance the experience of question comments in a form.

The Profile page displays your current profile picture, and to upload a new one. To upload a new picture, click 'Choose File', use the file browser to select a suitable image file and click 'Open'. Once the image is uploaded, click 'Save' to update your profile with the selected image.

Image files should be in a standard web-friendly image format such as .png, .jpg or .gif, and will be resized to display in a small area. Images should be square or round with equal vertical and horizontal dimensions, as rectangle images can appear stretched when displayed.

Strict accessibility

Strict Accessibility enforces strict accessibility rules for compliance for WCAG, further information can be found in Settings

Time zone and Language

In Produce, click on the “Profile” tab at the top of the "Produce" page



By passing a value on the URL, UI language and number can be overridden by passing in a “?lang” parameter on the URL.

          Example: - https://<yourTenantUrl>/Manage/Projects.aspx?lang=fr-ca
Available LanguageLanguage (-culture) Code
Arabic (Iraq)ar-IQ
Chinese (Simplified)zh-CN
Chinese (Traditional)zh-TW
Dutch (Belgium)nl-BE
English (United States)en-US
French (France)fr-FR
German (Germany)de-DE
Korean (Korea)ko-KR
Portuguese (Portugal)pt-PT
Spanish (Spain)es-ES
Thai (Thailand)th-TH



  1. Other regions specified after the dash can possibly be used as well.
  2. If a users’ profile in “Produce” page doesn’t have a specific Time Zone, Culture, and Language, the default values used in the settings of “Manage” page will be used.
  3. Creating a new user will default the Time Zone, Culture, and Language to the currently logged in user.
  4. Publicly accessible forms (for which no login is required) run under the Guest user and will use the Time Zone, Culture, and Language for that user. If times and dates on public forms are not displaying correctly, you may need to change these settings for the Guest user in “Manage”
  5. Changes in culture can result in changes in layout, scrollbar positions etc.