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OpenID Connect


Interface Feature Availability

Available in web interface only.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity layer that sits on top of OAuth 2.0. SmartIQ supports the use of OpenID Connect as a relying party (RP) using the following authentication flows:

  • Authorization Code Flow (recommended)
  • Implicit Flow
  • Hybrid Flow

Setting the Response Type will determine which flow the software will take. The response types set in SmartIQ must also be supported by the identity provider. Check the identity provider documentation and associated metadata document to confirm.

FlowResponse Type value
Authorization Code Flowcode
Implicit Flow id_token id_token token
Hybrid Flow code id_token code token code id_token token


OpenId Connect Logout Support

OpenID only supports logout if the IDP metadata has an end_session_endpoint value. The login also needs to return an id_token value for the Log Out link to appear. This is required for the IDP to know what session is being logged out of.


Multi-tenant cloud customers can configure OpenID Connect from Manage. They cannot be set if SAML 2.0 is already enabled. Check the OpenID Connect checkbox to enable these settings for Produce and Manage.



The Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) option will only be available for multi-tenant sites. Enabling this option passes the code_challenge and code_challenge_method parameters to the login for additional security.


Attributes required will vary based on the flow type but are common across deployment types.

OICD has some attribute character limitations: Scope (255), ResponseType (255), Authority (255), MetadataAddress (1500), PostLogoutUrl (1500)

ClientId (Required)Unique id that represents this application.
ClientSecretShared secret to prove the request comes from right app.
Authority (Required)URL to redirect to the identity provider. For example, Google https://accounts.google.com/, Azure https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant} Also known as the issuer depending on the identity provider.
MetadataAddressURL to the configuration documentation. This configures the authentication. The web server must be able to request this URL. If empty, will follow the OpenId Connect standard of appending ".well-known/opened-configuration" to the "Authority" value.
ScopeThe types of claims to request from the IDP. By default only "openid" is requested. If this configuration has a value, then the first value must be "openid". Other values are space delimited. For example, "openid profile email"
ResponseType (Required)Set to the appropriate values to perform the flow required.
PostLogoutUrlRedirect the browser to this URL when the user logs out of Produce. This can be a company website or some other portal. If no value is entered, Produce will redirect to /Account/LoggedOff. Manage will not use this setting and will always go to /Account/LoggedOff.

Creation and Deletion of Users

If a user doesn't already exist in SmartIQ and they attempt to login, a SmartIQ user account will be automatically created for that user on successful authentication.

Deletion of users should be done via the API.

Identity Provider Configuration

When configuring applications for SmartIQ within your chosen identity provider, you will need the Redirect Uri for Manage and Produce. The format is, your SmartIQ domain appended with the following:

  • Manage
    • /manage/signin-oidc
    • /manage/signout-callback-oidc
  • Produce
    • /produce/signin-oidc
    • /produce/signout-callback-oidc

For example, <https://sample-tenant.ab12.smartcommunications.cloud/produce/signin-oidc> and <https://sample-tenant.ab12.smartcommunications.cloud/produce/signout-callback-oidc> .

Also consider the following:

  • The most common error message from the identity provider will be a redirect_uri mismatch. This means the uri registered against the application in the identity provider doesn't match your domain or the format above.
  • OpenID Connect requires HTTPS to be enabled on the identity provider and SmartIQ when not using localhost.
  • The default claims that are supported are sub, name, given_name, family_name, middle_name, NickName, preferred_username, profile, picture, website, email, email_verified, gender, BirthDate, zoneinfo, locale, language, phone_number, phone_number_verified, updated_at, groups, roles, prefix, organisation, job_title, fax_number, address, address_line_one, address_line_two, address_suburb, address_state, address_postcode, address_country, postal_address_line_one, postal_address_line_two, postal_address_suburb, postal_address_state, postal_address_postcode, postal_address_country.
    Others can be mapped in User Profile Mapping. The claims must be returned within the id_token to be extracted and used for mapping.